Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Poker in South Florida

This is my first post about playing poker in South Florida.
First of all, here in Florida ther is currently a $100 maximum buy-in for cash (non-tournament) poker games. Nevertheless, cardrooms offer up to $5-$10 no-limit Texas Holdem games.
Personally, I think it's ridiculous to play a game where half of your starting money could be lost by simply folding your blinds for 3 turns of the dealer button.
From what I've seen at these tables, while there are good players, the majority seem to be action junkies with money to burn. I have seen a player build up his stack to almost $3000 from his first couple of hundred by playing hands like Jack - 3 suited to all-in raises preflop and within an hour, that same player is taking out a fresh $100 because he lost it all, complaining that the "donkeys" took his money.
Of course, these types of players exist at all table limits. However, at $1-$2 and $2-$5 a player isn't automatically commited to pot on his first hand if he initially called a raise of 5 times the big blind and was re-raised all-in with no ther callers. These lower limits allow a player to depend on luck less.
I personally prefer $2-$5 no-limit holdem. A good player can make about as much as a $5-$10 player in the same amount of time.

For example: I limped in with pocket 6s second to act then called a raise of $20 closing the betting preflop. I could easily fold if I did'nt hit the flop. The flop was Qd-6h-10h. The first 3 players looked at their hole cards and cautiously checked. I suspected that they were on flush draws with one of them havine top pair. I also checked expecting a bet from the initial preflop raiser( very aggressive player). He bet $30, the blinds called and the under the gun player went all-in. I called as did the other players. My read was right. They were all on flush draws with one of them also having top pair. Needless to say, my set of 6s held up and I was up to $500 in the first hand. I left the table 2 hours later with almost $2000.

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