Friday, October 30, 2009

H1N1 vaccine for criminals???

Apparently the government wants to give Gitmo detainees the H1N1 vaccine. Didn't a report just come out that the US is already short on supply and will have to wait at least 3 months for resupply? In my opinion, NOBODY in prison should get first dibs on this, whether it works or not. They might just as well give Viagra to incarcerated rapists and child molesters.

That's just my 2 cents.

Halloween is here...

Well, Halloween is here. Big whoop.

As a currently unemployed 41-year-old American, I don't see the big deal. Maybe it's the alcohol consumed. My being sober for almost 9 years may taint my indifference. I remember it being fun back in the day, but I don't get how people with low-paying or no jobs spend a lot of money on this holiday. I do know a few.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Unemployed in America in 2009

Given that I currently have some time on my hands, I’ve decided to start blogging about my interests: Poker, Politics, Books, Movies, and Line in the Unites States in our time. So here goes…
For an introduction, here’s a little about myself:
Last year I got a double-whammy. First, my mother passed away in an accidental house fire. Subsequently, my father was forced to move in with me, due to their house being unlivable.
Two months later, I was laid off from my job of 10 years.
As an experienced IT professional, I figured finding a job wouldn’t take too long. It never had in the past. Plus, I had a severance to help tide me over. While looking for work, I’ve been playing poker in local casinos to supplement my budget. I was able to increase my funds to about 3 ½ months longer than my severance would have lasted.
Now, that extra time appears to be coming to an end and still no job in sight. I have actually been turned down for a couple of jobs because of “TOO MUCH EXPERIENCE”. Go figure, when I graduated college it was hard to find a good job because of lack of experience.
Oh well, gotta keep on motoring.


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